Set the lowest ISO – Start by setting the ISO to its lowest possible value – ideally 100.Then check the exposure meter and choose the settings. So, frame in such a way that you have the background in the center. Measure the light of the background – Since you want to have a correct exposure of the background to underexpose the subject, you don’t need to know how much light is in the entire scene.When you use this mode, you can tell the camera exactly where to get the light information. Change to spot metering mode – All cameras have a light meter to help decide the exposure.Focus on your subject – The best way to do this is by using manual focus because you don’t want the camera to re-focus when you’re metering the background.However, since silhouette photography is about underexposing the subject, you need to take control of the manual settings. Set the camera to manual mode – The goal of Auto-mode is to find the correct exposure.
Here’s a quick summary of the camera settings you should use to capture awesome silhouette photography: What Settings to Use for Silhouette Photography